As November unfolds, we are thrilled to rewind the clock and revisit the captivating stories that stole your hearts in October. Join us on a nostalgic journey as we bring back last month’s top tales.
1. I need a hero
Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danaë. He had grown up on the island of Seriphus, and King Polydectes, who desired Danaë, tricked him into promising to obtain the head of Medusa, the only mortal among the Gorgons…
2. An ancient hospital
Asklepieion temple had two main uses. It was pretty much a hospital of ancient times housing dream incubation chambers, where patients would sleep. The god would appear in their dreams and heal them…
3. Big thinking, small spending
Instead of precious marble or onyx, columns were made out of limestone, and instead of using different materials in the arches, the pattern was merely painted onto the stone. A lack of funds could be behind this fact…
4.Midsummer night dream
It seems that Charles V was cold in these rooms at the end of winter when he married Isabel de Portugal, so they constructed the upper floor and used it for their winter bedrooms…
5. The adventures of a rhino
The rhino, wearing a green velvet collar with roses and golden carnations would represent the greatness of Portuguese success in the Orient and the international prestige of Manuel’s reign…