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Travel small-talk with Margarita!

An ice-breaker, a light and informal conversation that requires no significant effort or focus. When it comes to travel though, a small talk can generate great inspiration and at Clio Muse Tours we love to be inspired, especially when it comes to exploring the world.

That’s why we decided to launch a small-talk series with our team members, partners, and contributors who will be invited to share their travel persona, experiences and plans.

Our new Tour Script Editor, Margarita Lianou, opens the stage!


When and where did you last travel?
I organised my last long-haul trip to Thailand in April 2020. Needless to say it flunked. It took me a year before I could retrieve my cancelled fare and one more to come to terms with the COVID-induced extended forced staycation. So, my last actual trip was in the UAE in February 2020. I would take a night out into the Rub’al Khali desert over a full day of shopping on someone else’s credit card at the Dubai Mall every.single.time.


How do you describe yourself as a traveler?
I am a driver. And a hiker. I like long road trips, through time zones, climate zones and borders. I much prefer open spaces to cities. I get exhibition fatigue way too quickly. I like crowded joints if there is music and dancing but not heckling and shopping. I do love culture shocks. The most memorable trips were in places I could not understand the sounds of spoken words. And I seldom travel alone. There is always one co-pilot whose worth is measured in gold.


What are your 2022 travel goals?
I have not had a chance to discuss this with the powers that be, so maybe this is not the place to air this …but I have to be in Mexico in July 🙂 I am attending the wedding of a couple of friends from uni. The meeting point is Acapulco and we have yet to decide whether we’ll head north towards Guadalajara or turn southeast into Oaxaca and the state of Chiapas. Also, what I am really, really hoping is that I would be able to write something for Clio Muse Tours along the way!


Which is your favorite Clio Muse Tour?
My favourite Clio Muse Tour is the city tour of Venice: the story of the Serenissima. I have always longed to go to Venice. I have not managed to yet and it is getting increasingly more complicated to do so. Clio Muse Tours’ audio tour has allowed me to travel there without actually visiting.


  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Audio available in 2 languages
$ 10,69 per person