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Clio Muse Tours Excelled at TechTour South East 2023 in Athens!

After a year of our winning participation in Tech Tour South East held in the city (read more here), Daphne, our co-founder and CRO, confidently retook the stage at the esteemed 2023 event in Athens! The room was filled with attentive investors from different parts of Europe, Southeast and Central Europe, and Israel – the perfect audience to showcase our vision and potential.

During her pitch, Daphne artfully presented Clio Muse Tours market positioning and highlighted our key differentiators, including our self-guided audio tours and skip-the-line tickets. The audience was engaged as she walked them through our robust business model, visionary management, advanced technology, market analysis, go-to-market strategy, and growth plan.

The event wasn’t just about business but also about forging meaningful connections. As the sun set over Athens, the Clio Muse Tours team led the participants on an enchanting journey through the National Garden. Amidst the greenery, historical tales came to life through our self-guided audio tour, creating a truly immersive experience for the attendees.

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And then came the great news and distinction; Over 90 companies applied to present their businesses during the event, and out of the 30 finally selected companies that had their pitches in 5 breakout sessions, Clio Muse Tours was among the 8 best-scored presenters of this year’s exceptional event. We are humbled and honored by this recognition, reflecting our team’s dedication and hard work!

A heartfelt thank you to Tech Tour South East 2023 for organizing this exceptional event and providing a platform for meaningful interactions within the travel industry. It was an unforgettable experience, and we look forward to building on this momentum as we positively impact the world of travel!