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Repast Final & Next Steps Conference Negotiating Troubled Pasts: History, Politics, Arts and the Media

RePast Final & Next Steps Conference Negotiating Troubled Pasts: History, Politics, Arts and the Media

After 36 months full of intriguing research, talks and seminars, the Horizon2020-funded project RePAST is coming to an end. The final teleconference will take place on Friday 15 October and our Head of Content, Christina Ntaltagianni will be there to talk at the “Policy and Practice” panel with the subject “RePast meets new technologies: The digital tours.” Find more information and the detailed program of RePast Final & Next Steps Conference Negotiating Troubled Pasts: History, Politics, Arts and the Media.

RePast: The project

Several European societies are still suffering from the conflicts rooted in the past and look for means to overcome the difficult historical legacy. RePAST was a research project that addressed this issue; relying on a multi-method interdisciplinary approach, as it investigated how six member states of the EU and two non-member states (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Kosovo, Poland, Spain) deal with their troubled pasts today. By analyzing the discourses in history, media, politics and arts & culture, the project explored how these conflicting discourses impact European integration and hinder attempts to increase the internal cohesion of these societies. Based on extensive research, the project implemented several actions and proposes strategies for reflecting upon these discourses to strengthen European integration.

Clio Muse Tours for RePast

As participants of the RePAST project, Clio Muse Tours created eight digital tours that deal with the theme of dark tourism in different Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Kosovo, Bosnia, Spain, and Germany. These tours were created after developing a research methodology, evaluation of numerous written and oral history sources, journals, articles, and books from university libraries and archives as well as government reports and legal documents. Moreover, in collaboration with The European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (FEG) organized and hosted 30 educational webinars that aimed to introduce and train tour guides on how to conduct high-quality ‘Dark Tourism’ guided tours.

UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at University of Innsbruck Austria Courtesy of RePAST
UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at University of Innsbruck Austria | Courtesy of RePAST

Topics discussed at the RePast Final & Next Steps Conference

  • What have we theoretically and practically learned regarding the troubled past(s) and the
    effective means for overcoming it?
  • Are in a strongly differentiated European context, good practices, transferable from one context
    to another?
  • What roles can be played by European countries – members of the EU and non-members –
    and the EU as an institution in the attempts to overcome troubled past(s)?
RePAST Dissemination in Bosnia and Herzegovina Courtesy of RePAST
RePAST Dissemination in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Courtesy of RePAST

We’d love to see you at the final RePast teleconference. Join us here or for additional information register here.

For any questions, contact [email protected]

RePast Final & Next Steps Conference Negotiating Troubled Pasts – Detailed Program

09.00-9.15 Opening Session and Introduction to the Conference

Opening remarks
Georgios Terzis, Brussels School of Governance

Working through troubled pasts
Rodrigo Martin Galan, European Commission, Research Executive Agency (tbc)

9:15-10.00 Negotiating Trouble Pasts: History

The nexus between Academia and the Public Sphere in Revisionists debates in Europe
Giorgios Antoniou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dealing with troubled pasts through Oral Histories: The feasibility of a future common European Identity
Dionysis Panos, Cyprus University of Technology

Moderated by Vasiliki Triga, Cyprus University of Technology

10:00-10:45 Negotiating Trouble Pasts: Arts

What forms of engagement and possible solutions can artistic and cultural productions offer to conflicting memories and memories of conflicts?

Katarzyna Bojarska, Widok Foundation

Commented and moderated by Tomasz Rawski, Widok Foundation and University of Warsaw

10:45–11:00 Break

11:00–11.45 Negotiating Trouble Pasts: Politics

Attitudes and EU policies towards memories of the past
James Sweeney, Lancaster University, Marta Parades, Universidad Pontificia

Comillas, and Ricardo Dacosta, Universidad Autonóma de Madrid

Moderated by Irene Martin, Universidad Autonóma de Madrid

11.45–12.30 Negotiating Trouble Pasts: Media

Key lessons and findings from a multi-country and multi-case study approach to media and past conflict.
Eugenia Siapera, University College Dublin

Assessing the Gap Between Private and Public Memory: The Perception and Interpretation of Conflicting Mnemonic Narratives – A comparative study from Germany and Poland
Anke Fiedler, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Moderated by Kenneth Andresen, University of Agder

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

13.30-14.30 Policy and Practice

RePast meets new technologies: The digital tours
Christina Ntaltagianni, Clio Muse Tours

Fact Finders: A serious games for critical thinking of the past
Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, and Sara Hajlund, Serious Games Interactive

Ideas for future research on troubled past(s): topics, approaches and methodologies
Rok Zupančič and Faris Kočan, University of Ljubljana

14.30-15.00 Closing Remarks and the Road Ahead
Dimitra Milioni, Cyprus University of Technology

Basil Gounaris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Observatory on History
Teaching in Europe, Council of Europe