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Clio Muse tours unique features

A Roundup of Clio Muse Tours’ Unique Features

Clio Muse Tours has been operating in the culture and the tourism industries since 2014 and today boasts a wide portfolio of products in over 35 countries. Over the course of the past seven years, Clio Muse Tours evolved its business plan, developed new strategies and managed to establish itself as one of the most successful companies of its kind. Here is a roundup of Clio Muse Tours’ unique features.

The team composition

Clio Muse Tours consists of various departments staffed with professionals from different backgrounds. This diversity makes Clio Muse Tours a multifaceted company with a highly skilled team that can take over different roles in a project. Experienced archaeologists and art historians comprise the Content Department, qualified software developers run the IT Department while professionals with a background in finance and tourism comprise the Sales Department. Each one of them has a vital role on the company’s projects and they all together join forces to deliver the best possible result. Moreover, Clio Muse Tours also has a Customer Care Department and a marketing team.

Clio Muse tours' unique features

Cutting-edge digital solutions

Our technological tools are developed as software as a service, in order to be cost-effective for our clients and they are sustainable and scalable. They are constantly upgraded and updated with new features and characteristics. Our SaaS enables third-party creators to write their own digital tours, manage content effortlessly and publish them on a network of OTAs reaching an international audience. With every new strategic partnership with an OTA, all tours regardless of their publication date are automatically promoted to a new audience. Moreover, we have developed tools that gather and analyze user-interaction statistics that can be used for enhancing and enriching the travel experience.

The award-winning content creation methodology

Clio Muse Tours’ award-winning storytelling methodology is developed step by step. Each tour’s content is written after careful research including historical facts, anecdotes and lesser-known stories and it is crafted for the modern-day traveler. This storytelling methodology was developed over the course of two years (2012-2014) after extensive research in collaboration with prominent Greek museums.


Multi-themed tours

Clio Muse Tours’ portfolio includes created self-guided audio tours of different themes such as history, architecture, dark tourism, gastronomy, road trips. Our team’s specialists work together with local tour guides as well as historians or archaeologists to examine in-depth every tours’ theme before interweaving the stories and delivering the final result.

Clio Muse Tours’ Vision

We do not develop technology for the sake of technology, but to serve culture. With the delivery of a new project to a museum or cultural institution, a new relationship begins aiming to the effective promotion of its cultural reserve. This has been the company’s motto from day one and to this day remains at its core. We’ve worked with museums for their permanent collections and temporary exhibitions, we’ve highlighted artists’ artworks and we’ve shared the stories of unknown libraries, sites and cultural centers.

Clio Muse tours unique features

Awarded by major organizations and companies for our innovation and sustainability

Clio Muse Tours was selected as one of the 25 winners from 18 countries at the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) SDGs Global Startup Competition for its widespread ability to contribute to the “Decent work and economic growth” goal (SDG8). It has also won the first position at the Connectivity Sector at the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Catalyst Pitch Competition 2019 and was the 2nd winner at the Booking Cares Lab 2018 in Amsterdam for its 30-day plan, as well as the projected impact of its solution for more sustainable tourism in Amsterdam.

clio muse tours unique features