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meet your author - vasilis liberopoulos

Meet Your Author – Vasilis Lymperopoulos

Meet Vasilis, the talented and beloved author behind The Sanctuary of Asclepius: The Land of Healing. In this blog, he shares with us a bit of his life, his studies, and some useful info and off-the-beaten-path tips for the tour. Enjoy!


Tell us a bit about yourself!

Ι have studied History and Archaeology at the University of Athens, where I got my Master’s and Ph.D. in Byzantine History. I have worked in secondary and tertiary education, being also a mentor for new aspiring history teachers. I enjoy cycling, long walks, reading, and creating historical education content (videos) in my free time. The tour I undertook was the Sanctuary of Asclepius in Epidaurus. My favourite part was the narration about the mystical healing procedures performed inside the Sanctuary and all the mythological stories linked to them.


Can you give us a tip (off the beaten path) or a fun fact about the tour?

Should you find yourself in the Sanctuary of Asclepius, look around for the world’s cutest and friendliest cat. While mapping out and writing the tour, I had the best company of this cat that followed me around the Sanctuary’s premises. Bring treats and brace yourself for long pets, which can stay in your arms for hours.


Tell us a bit about what made you write for this venue.

I have visited the Archaeological site of Epidaurus, the Theatre, the Museum, and the Sanctuary of Asclepius many times. I see the theatre yearly because I am a massive fan of every summer’s performances. I have created very vivid memories watching them year after year, which I hold dear.

As a historian, the fact that the Archaeological site of Epidaurus is considered one of the best worldwide made me interested in the site from a very young age, prompting me to research, study, and analyze all the historical information that has accumulated over the years in-depth, and even connect it to astronomy, mythology and the everyday life of the average peasant visiting the Sanctuary. Last but not least, let’s not forget the ubiquitous nature that adorns the archaeological site of Epidaurus, along with the one-of-a-kind beauty of the staggering Ancient Theatre that always leaves me in awe.

  • Duration: 2h 40min
  • Audio available in 1 language
$ 12,82 per person