Explore Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo
Discover the Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo, a captivating cultural institution that showcases Portugal’s artistic legacy.
Indulge yourself in the rich tapestry of art, history, and culture as you explore the meticulously curated galleries. From mesmerizing paintings to intricate sculptures, each exhibit offers a glimpse into the country’s diverse artistic heritage.
Plan your visit to Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo and experience the beauty and significance of Portuguese art firsthand. Uncover the hidden treasures that have shaped the nation’s identity and leave inspired by the creative masterpieces on display.
Explore its hidden treasures with Clio Muse Tours.
Featured tours
Duration: 1h 30min
From $ 12,00 per person
Duration: 1h 30min
$ 12,82 per person