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epanacyctasis project

ΕΠΑΝΑCYΣΤΑΣΗ 21: The digital exhibition



  • Content Curation & Distribution
  • Audio Production
  • Hosting
  • 3D pictures implementation

The Goal

Honoring the Revolution that changed local history, the National Historical Museum presented the Greek War of Independence after 200 years after its beginnings. The condition of the Greek state's birth, the international political scene, the background of the warriors, the war conditions, the friends, and the enemies; are all revealed in an exciting exhibition that the museum aspired to reach as many people as possible.For the virtual version of the self-guided tour, there was a need for Clio Muse Tours to create 360-degree photos of the 2nd floor of the museum, with which visitors would be able to follow the tour from home.

The Outcome

Clio Muse Tours created a self-guided virtual tour experience that consists of texts and 360 degrees photos as well as images that highlight the museum's exhibitions and displays. 77 items, 341 stories, and over 80.900 views (till today) offer a different approach to the various aspects of the Greek Revolution 200 years from its beginning.