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28 countries

Tania Fiorentzi

I am a digital copywriter working across the travel and hospitality industry and other sectors. Essentially a traveller and dreamer, seriously in love with nature, literature and all things art. And coffee. Lots of coffee.

Maria Sampatakaki

Christiana Damanaki

Tiny, happy person who wanted to be a writer but by accident became an Archaeologist. You will find me in libraries working on my PhD. I am the one with the blue hair.

Eugenia Manta

Leonidas Argyros

A grumpy man with a PhD. He is fascinated by words; when he sees them forming beautiful sentences he feels like an apprentice wizard who just produced fancy potions out of cauldrons full of frog legs and tears of bats. In his spare time he roams about town or watches anything produced and narrated by Sir David Attenborough, an inexhaustible source of similes. In Canada, he learned to love the cold, but he is much happier working in Athens.

Iris Kritikou